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291 route d’Avignon
BP 30137
84304 Cavaillon Cedex

+33(0)4 90 71 36 33

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Contact CALIBREX to build your perfect fruit and vegetable sorting machine

Our customers have been trusting us for more than 60 years to build their very own “100% Made in France” sorting machines for fresh and fragile fruits and vegetables.

CALIBREX, located in the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur region, provides equipment to a large number of fruit producers throughout France, as well as abroad.

We specialise in the design and manufacture of electronic sorting machines for fruits or vegetables, for small and medium-sized businesses..

Choose the machine and cups to suit your produce. Let us be part of your project team and in return, we will provide you with innovative and high-performing equipment to satisfy your every need.

All our sorting machines are easy to operate, efficient and versatile. They can handle a wide variety of fruits from apricots, plums, kiwis and clementines to peaches, apples, pears, tomatoes, citrus fruits and melons.

Do you have specific requirements? We can adapt to suit your requirements and build the ideal solution for you. Contact our team to find out more.